LittleSolves: the brand that wants to make a happier world

LittleSolves is a new brand whose key objective is to make a happier world. It isn’t about grand gestures, but rather a focus on solving life’s daily niggles, those ‘stubbed toe moments’ that contribute to a bad day and a pessimistic outlook. With this in mind, LittleSolves was set up by Studio Make Believe, a creative design and development consultancy established in 2015 by award-winning product designer Anthony Dickens.
The first product by LittleSolves is Quiet Glass, a glass designed for modern living. For Anthony Dickens, the Quiet Glass was conceived from personal experience: in the early hours of one particular morning, he set a glass down too hard, waking his partner. It led Dickens to think about what the ideal bedside and all-round drinking glass would be. With its soft silicone base and toughened glass, Quiet Glass is quieter to put down, nicer to hold, harder to accidentally knock over, and designed to last. Available in a choice of eight colours, Quiet Glass will happily suit any mood or interior, and remind people which glass is theirs.
Why LittleSolves?
Research shows that the little things in life really do add up, resulting in a positive or negative outcome—the difference between having a good or bad day. For LittleSolves, this means making products that actively contribute to a chain of positive micro-experiences. It’s about solving those ‘stubbed toe moments’, with products that help people to have a better, happier day, and ultimately, make for a happier world.
Why now?
Anthony Dickens and his team feel there is a gap in people’s lives, one that needs little moments of enhancement. Dickens draws inspiration from people, problems and stories, and is always keen to find solutions that will help make things that little bit better. His philosophy is quite simple: objects solve problems. As a new venture, LittleSolves hopes to foster an independent relationship with its customers; thus, it will operate as a direct-to-consumer brand. With the ability to operate globally and the freedom to create better products, LittleSolves will connect with today’s enlightened, web-savvy user.
Why a product such as Quiet Glass?
Contemporary life has created, and will continue to create, new problems that need to be fixed: the Zoom call where the microphone picks up every irritating sound, or the glass of water that wakes your partner when clumsily setting it on the bedside table. Quiet Glass is a glass that makes things that little bit easier, giving a boost to a person’s health and well-being.
At LittleSolves, it is all about offering experiences that build a happier day, and contribute to making a happier world: one LittleSolve at a time.
Banner Image: Quiet Glass in Ochre